Do You Make These Simple Mistakes In Plus Size Bolero Jacket?
A bolero jacket is worn over another dress or outfit and is available in a wide range of materials – from brocade to silk and knitwear to lace. A jacket stops at the waist and is a perfect all-season, all-weather garment. It is also ideal for plus size women provided the following simple mistakes are not made. Wearing a sleeveless plus size bolero jacket - The reason for this is that heavier women have accumulated fat on the upper arms and a jacket is a right opportunity to cover this area provided you wear the right sleeve size. You will be spoilt for choice with a wide array of sleeved bolero jackets to choose from. Select a jacket with either a lace sleeve or a bell sleeve that comes down to at least the elbows. Wearing a horizontally striped jacket – Do not buy a plus size bolero jacket that has stripes that go around the body even if you find it attracts you a lot. Horizontal stripes will make you look plumper than you are and will accentuate the fat around your midriff...