Do You Make These Simple Mistakes In Plus Size Bolero Jacket?
A bolero jacket is
worn over another dress or outfit and is available in a wide range of materials
– from brocade to silk and knitwear to lace. A jacket stops at the waist and is
a perfect all-season, all-weather garment. It is also ideal for plus size women
provided the following simple mistakes are not made.
Wearing a sleeveless plus size bolero jacket - The reason for this is that heavier women have
accumulated fat on the upper arms and a jacket is a right opportunity to cover
this area provided you wear the right sleeve size. You will be spoilt for
choice with a wide array of sleeved bolero jackets to choose from. Select a
jacket with either a lace sleeve or a bell sleeve that comes down to at least
the elbows.
Wearing a
horizontally striped jacket – Do not buy a plus size bolero jacket that
has stripes that go around the body even if you find it attracts you a lot.
Horizontal stripes will make you look plumper than you are and will accentuate
the fat around your midriff. Instead, opt for vertical stripes that start from
the shoulders to the bottom of the jacket. It will give you a lean and classy look.
Wearing plain jackets
for formal occasions – A plus size bolero jacket can be bought from
online or regular stores in a wide range of colors and designs. But since the
jackets are matched with another dress or outfit, the natural tendency is to buy
neutral designs and colors to complement as many dresses as possible. But the
truth is that plus size jackets are available with embellishments like beads,
crystals, fur, and more. These are ideal for formal events or occasions like an
evening out on a dinner date.
Be creative in your
choice of a plus size bolero jacket and step out in style. Do not
consider a jacket as simply another addition to your wardrobe but think about how
you can get the best out of it. There are many opportunities for you.
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